Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Opera Props: Valencia Opera House

Photo credit: JP Holecka

Today launches our newest feature, Opera Props, in which the VO community share with everybody their thoughts on what's hip, what's hot and what's what.

JP Holecka, Creative Director of Powershift Media and friend of VO, travelled to Spain last year and of course, had to stop off at the Valencia Opera House (Queen Sofia Palace of the Arts)

How could one not?

Resembling "a giant Spartan war helmet", this architectural marvel is on JP's must-see list.

"...Simply amazing and will dazzle and delight all those of any age."

We couldn't agree more!

To hear more about JP's thoughts on the Valencia Opera House, click here.

So if you have opera-related items you'd like to give a thumbs up to, drop me a line at and we'll get you featured!

~ Ling Chan

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